@annabelchurchcoder, coffee drinker

Holding hands with Journalism

All about me

I am a coder, and I work in Journalism and build tools with and for Journalists.

As well as coding, teaching, and speaking, I co-organise Hacks/Hackers in Berlin — which brings together Technologists and Journalists every month.

Formerly a 2013 OpenNews fellow at ZeitOnline and developer at the Guardian, and now freelance in Berlin.

I believe in the openness of things like data and code and it runs in the family. If you like Linux as much as I do get his book — The Linux Programming Interface.

I drink coffee like an antipodean, listen to podcasts obsessively, bake a lot of cake, and pootle around the world.

I live in Europe, but I come from Christchurch, New Zealand.

Contact me

Securely communicate with me — with PGP.

Biography for events

Me - Annabel Church

Annabel is currently building journalism tools, and working with journalists to explore data driven storytelling. She was a Knight-Mozilla 2013 OpenNews Fellow at ZeitOnline, and previously worked building tools for journalists at the Guardian. She helps to build a community at the intersection between Journalism and technology by co-organising Hacks and Hackers in Berlin.


Giving credit where credit is due.